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Book: The Complete Dismissal Package

Book | 12th edition 2023

A Tips & Advice book about... 

In a nutshell

Since fees were abolished, the risk of a tribunal claim is greater than ever, so it's vitally important that your disciplinary and dismissal procedures are legally watertight. That's where this updated book comes in handy. It will fully equip you to deal with employment disputes in a legally secure and cost-effective way. Full of field-tested advice from our expert employment lawyers and covering all the stages leading up to dismissal, it's all you need to keep your business secure. And all for an incredible one-off cost.

In detail

This book details every intricate element of the dismissal and disciplinary process. It's split into three parts:

  • Understanding and following the Acas Code of Practice
  • Getting the most from workplace mediation
  • Taking care of employment tribunal procedure if the dispute ends in a claim

Every employer knows the importance of following a good disciplinary and dismissal procedure. Make a mistake and you're likely to be on the receiving end of an expensive and time consuming employment tribunal claim. The practical advice in this book will put you on the right side of the law in the event of such a claim.

For who

We've created this Tips & Advice book especially for... 

Business owners, employers, EMPLOYMENT managers, EMPLOYMENT lawyers and HR staff that want to:

  • Manage employment disputes in an effective way
  • Know how to safely follow the Acas Code of Practice
  • Avoid falling foul of tribunal claims


You'll get the following free extras with this Tips & Advice book...

An Online service with ready-to-use documents

  • To immediately apply our advice and solutions in practice
  • That you can easily adapt to suit your own requirements
Technical info
More Information
Type of product Book
Version of support of product Paperback
Identifier (EAN / ISSN / Action Code) 9781911707325
Name of collection Reeks Tips & Advies
Weight 416 g
Availability In stock
Access to exercice No
Publisher Lefebvre UK
Language of the product EN
Publication Date Apr 26, 2023
Access to Strada Be No
Access to Strada EU No
Access to Strada LU No
Table of contents

In this Tips & Advice Book you'll read about...

Chapter 1 - Disciplinary and grievance procedures

1. What’s happened to the statutory procedures?

1.1. Why were they abolished?

1.2. What has taken their place?

1.3. What are the key changes?

2. The Acas Code of Practice

2.1. What is the Acas Code of Practice?

2.2. What is its legal status?

2.3. Is it good news?

2.4. What could happen if we don’t follow it?

3. Disciplinary matters - the Code

3.1. What do we do first?

3.2. What happens if we decide on a disciplinary hearing?

3.3. When can we start the disciplinary hearing?

3.4. Does the employee have a right to be accompanied at the hearing?

3.5. What format should the hearing take?

3.6. What can we do if the employee doesn’t show up?

3.7. What should we do after the hearing?

3.8. What do we need to consider when issuing a written warning?

3.9. Does the employee have a right of appeal?

3.10. What if the employee has committed a criminal offence?

4. Grievances - the Code

4.1. How do we handle a grievance?

4.2. Do we need to arrange a meeting?

4.3. Does the employee have the right to be accompanied?

4.4. Are there any restrictions on this right?

4.5. What should we do after the meeting?

4.6. What happens if the employee appeals?

4.7. What happens if an employee raises a grievance during the disciplinary process?

4.8. What about grievances raised by a trade union representative?

5. The supplementary Acas guidance

5.1. Is there any other guidance we should follow?

5.2. What is its legal status?

5.3. What are its main points?

5.4. What could happen if we don’t follow it?

6. Disciplinary matters - the guidance

6.1. What does the guidance say about formality?

6.2. What does the guidance say about procedures?

6.3. What will a tribunal expect to see in our procedures?

6.4. What records does the guidance say we should keep?

6.5. How does the guidance say we should investigate a disciplinary matter?

6.6. How does the guidance suggest we should prepare for a disciplinary hearing?

6.7. What does the guidance say about failure to attend a disciplinary hearing?

6.8. Is there any guidance on how to conduct the hearing?

6.9. What does the guidance say about specific problems?

6.10. What does the guidance say about the right to be accompanied?

6.11. What does the guidance say we should consider after the disciplinary hearing?

6.12. What does the guidance say about disciplinary penalties?

6.13. What does the guidance say about the appeals procedure?

6.14. What else does the guidance say about appealhearings?

7. Grievances - the guidance

7.1. How can the guidance help us to develop rules and procedures?

7.2. What does the guidance say about the right to be accompanied?

7.3. What guidance is offered about grievance meetings?

7.4. Does the guidance give any other recommendations?

Chapter 2 - Mediation and the Acas Code of Practice

1. Mediation: an overview

1.1. What is mediation?

1.2. What is its relationship to the Acas Code of Practice?

1.3. Is mediation compulsory?

1.4. What’s the mediator’s role in the process?

1.5. What’s the legal status of mediation?

1.6. How much money can mediation save us?

1.7. Are there any other advantages for us?

1.8. Are there any disadvantages?

1.9. Is mediation suitable for smaller businesses?

2. Mediation in the workplace

2.1. What types of dispute can be resolved via mediation?

2.2. Are any disputes not suited to mediation?

2.3. Must we tell employees about the possibility of mediation?

2.4. When can we start mediation?

2.5. Can we select a mediator from within our business?

2.6. When should we use an external mediator?

2.7. How much can we expect to pay?

2.8. How can we persuade a reluctant employee to take part in mediation?

2.9. Why is confidentiality so important?

2.10. What if there’s a problem after mediation?

3. Choosing an internal mediator

3.1. What type of person makes a good mediator?

3.2. What personal skills do they need?

3.3. Why must they be impartial?

3.4. Do they need any formal training?

4. Selecting external mediators

4.1. How do we find a suitable mediator?

4.2. What should we look for?

4.3. What questions should we ask them?

4.4. When do we pay the mediator?

4.5. Does the employee share the cost?

5. The mediation process

5.1. Why is the room set-up so important?

5.2. What are the stages of mediation?

5.3. Are there any other points we need to remember?

5.4. Is mediation legally binding?

5.5. How long should the process take from start to finish?

6. Mediation troubleshooting

6.1. The employee wants to bring a workplace companion - do we let them?

6.2. How do we break a deadlock?

6.3. What’s the best way to deal with a nervous employee?

6.4. How do we deal with anger?

6.5. If it all goes wrong can the mediator give evidence on our behalf?

Chapter 3 - Avoiding and managing employment tribunal claims

1. Who can bring a tribunal claim?

1.1. When will this situation arise?

1.2. What claims can a tribunal hear?

1.3. Can anyone bring a tribunal claim?

1.4. What is meant by employment status?

1.5. What claims can a worker pursue?

1.6. Must individuals be employed at the point they start a tribunal claim?

1.7. How does a claimant prove they have been discriminated against?

1.8. What can we do to prevent a discrimination claim from arising during recruitment?

1.9. Have discrimination questionnaires been abolished?

1.10. Can we still receive questions?

1.11. What questions might the claimant ask?

1.12. Have equal pay questionnaires been abolished?

1.13. Should we ignore any questions?

1.14. What should we put in our response?

2. Starting a tribunal claim

2.1. What rules govern tribunal claims?

2.2. How is a tribunal claim started?

2.3. So they don’t need to use a solicitor if they don’t want to?

2.4. Can they get Legal Aid to go to tribunal?

2.5. What is the Acas early conciliation scheme?

2.6. What does making a claim entail?

2.7. Is it true that a claim can be made online?

2.8. How will we know if a claim has been made against us?

2.9. What is the ET3 used for?

2.10. Which tribunal will deal with the case?

2.11. What happens if the claimant sends the claim to the wrong tribunal?

2.12. Is there a time limit for filing a claim?

2.13. How does early conciliation affect the time limit?

2.14. Will a tribunal ever accept a claim outside these limits?

2.15. Once a claim is lodged, can the tribunal stop it from going to a full hearing?

2.16. What fee does the claimant have to pay to lodge a claim?

2.17. How long will it take before the case is heard?

3. Responding to the claim

3.1. How do we respond to the claim?

3.2. What will make the claim invalid?

3.3. What should our defence include?

3.4. What is the time limit for filing a defence?

3.5. Can we ask for an extension of time?

3.6. What documents should we send with the ET3?

3.7. Can we alter our response once it has been sent to the tribunal?

4. Acas and the statutory conciliation process

4.1. What is Acas?

4.2. What is conciliation?

4.3. Do we have to pay Acas for its assistance with conciliation?

4.4. Will Acas always get involved?

4.5. When will Acas contact us?

4.6. Will Acas take our side?

4.7. Do we have to speak to the conciliator?

4.8. If we settle, must we admit liability?

4.9. Could our representative deal with Acas on our behalf?

4.10. What happens if we refuse to conciliate?

4.11. How does conciliation work?

4.12. Can we attempt conciliation any time up to the tribunal hearing?

4.13. Will Acas tell us what figure to offer?

4.14. If we agree to settle, is it formalised?

4.15. What are the advantages of conciliation?

4.16. If we don’t settle, can our discussions with Acas be divulged at the tribunal hearing?

5. Using settlement agreements to your advantage

5.1. What is a settlement agreement?

5.2. When can we use a settlement agreement?

5.3. What types of claim can be settled via a settlement agreement?

5.4. So can we just draft an agreement and ask the employee to sign it on the spot?

5.5. Must we pay for their legal advice?

5.6. Must employment be terminated for a settlement agreement to exist?

5.7. What are the main advantages of settlement agreements?

6. Preparing for a tribunal hearing

6.1. How much time will we have to prepare for the hearing?

6.2. Can we ask the tribunal not to list the case for a particular date?

6.3. What happens if a witness is unavailable for a hearing date?

6.4. How many days will the tribunal allow for the hearing?

6.5. How do we best prepare for the hearing?

6.6. Must we prepare written witness statements?

6.7. How is a statement set out?

6.8. What sort of evidence will be important?

6.9. How do we present documents at the tribunal?

6.10. Do tribunals look at the entire bundle?

6.11. Can we present video or audio evidence?

6.12. Which documents will the tribunal read before the hearing?

6.13. Witness expenses

7. At the tribunal hearing

7.1. Who hears the claim?

7.2. What is it like inside a tribunal?

7.3. Can we visit a tribunal?

7.4. Are the press allowed in to hear a case?

7.5. Will the case definitely go ahead and finish on time?

7.6. What happens if the case is not completed on time?

7.7. Will we get a decision on the day the hearing finishes?

7.8. Will we get a written copy of the judgment?

7.9. If we lose, will compensation be decided on the same day?

7.10. Must we be represented?

7.11. If we represent ourselves, will that put us at a disadvantage?

7.12. If we choose to be represented, must this person be legally qualified?

7.13. If we start defending the case ourselves, can we decide to use a solicitor later?

7.14. What is hearsay evidence?

7.15. Can a witness be forced to attend if they initially refuse?

7.16. If a witness does not attend will the tribunal still read their statement?

7.17. If a major witness is ill on the day of the hearing, can we ask for a postponement?

7.18. Can we still settle once we turn up at tribunal?

7.19. Are the panel members influenced by appearance and demeanour?

7.20. What could irritate the panel?

7.21. If we win, can we ask for costs?

7.22. How much can be awarded for our costs?

7.23. If we lose, can we appeal?

8. Common concerns

8.1. Is it true that we have to make opening and closing submissions? If so, what are they?

8.2. We’re worried about conducting cross-examination. What should we do?